Teacher Resources
Learning Web
The Learning Web is a wonderful source of information and activities about water, land, plants, animals and maps. http://education.usgs.gov/
Water Related
What is Water Quality
This series of lessons and activities explores many water quality concepts including contamination, toxicity, turbidity, water movement, erosion, pH, concentration and more. Designed for teachers and 4H leaders. http://waterquality.montana.edu/docs/education/4Hguide.shtml
Water Purification the Natural Way
This lesson shows how natural systems purify water. This introduces students to the concept of ecological services essential for our health and well-being that are provided by nature. Ecosystem Services – Water Purification
Non Point Source Pollution
Polluted runoff comes from many dispersed sources. Help your students learn about Non Point Source Pollution and what they can do about it with these educational materials including background information, games, articles and activities. NPS Kid’s Page
Trout in the Classroom
Connect students with their watershed with Trout Unlimited’s lesson plans and activity materials. Students will raise trout from egg to fingerling, monitor tank water quality, engage in stream habitat study, appreciate water resources, foster a conservation ethic, and understand ecosystem connectivity. Check it out at http://www.troutintheclassroom.org/
Ground Water Teaching Materials
The National Ground Water Association’s website contains information for teacher’s and students. Classroom materials and lesson plans can be accessed from the site, as well as training and workshop information. It also has links to other sites with educational tools. Check out their website at National Ground Water Association. EPA is helping celebrate National Groundwater Awareness Week with even more educational materials. Find them at the link to the EPA website
Earth Science
High School Teachers – Classroom Earth!
The National Environmental Education Foundation helps you find ways to integrate environmental education into your curricula. Check out what they have at http://www.classroomearth.org/
Earth Gauge Kids
The National Environmental Education Foundation has tools and activities to help teach students about many aspects of natural resources, such as monarch butterflies, weather & air pollution, and stormwater. Check it out at http://www.earthgauge.net/kids/activities
Teaching Children About Agriculture
Ag in Montana Schools is a group dedicated to helping students learn the importance of agriculture in their everyday lives. Their curricula guide, “Kids, Critters & Commodities” can help you in your classroom. Check out the website at http://www.aginmontanaschools.org/
Amazing Grazing
Pastures, prairies and amazing grazers. The ecology of habitat, botany and agriculture. These are ecology lesson plans and activities for K-12 grade. Interdisciplinary and linked to content standards. Amazing Grazing…
If Trees Could Talk…
Trees in Your Own Backyard takes students grades 6-9 outside the school to consider human impacts on trees in the city landscape and the responsibility of citizens for preserving the urban forest. Curricula are correlated to science standards. Find it at http://www.foresthistory.org/Education/Curriculum/Activity/activ7/activ7.html
The Greatest Good – Forests and People
The Greatest Good is a movie produced in 2005 by the US Forest Service to mark their centennial. The Forest History Society combines it with Lesson Plans and Discussion Ideas for K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 on topics such as forest conservation/human impacts, the role of fire in society, environmental decision making in a democracy. Follow this link…
The Significance of Private Forests
Find lesson plans linked to Montana content standards which teach about the importance of healthy private forests. Private Forests